Quick Tip: How to Peel Frozen Bananas

Bananas that are a little too ripe to eat are GREAT for smoothies or banana bread. You can freeze them and use them when you need to. However, when it comes time to peel these frozen bananas, you either freeze your fingers off or make a mess (or both). Here’s a trick I use to make this quick and painless.

The first step is to simply pull your bananas out of the freezer and let them sit on the counter for about 3 to 5 minutes. This allows the banana enough time to soften up to cut, but still be frozen enough that things can come off as a whole. I often cut my banana in half at this point in time. I optionally cut off the tips. I’m not sure why, it just seems to help.

Banana Start

Next, you’ll want to score the banana on both sides. You don’t need to cut all the way through, but enough to get past the peel and into the banana.

Banana Scoring


Finally, take your knife and wedge it in between the peel and banana at the entry point of the scoring. Gently pull the banana away from the peel, and things should come right off. Sometimes I make a cutting motion with the knife as I work it around. By scoring both sides of the banana, you typically have half the peel fall off and the second comes off just as simple.



That’s all there is to it! Quick and easy frozen banana peeling. No mess or frozen fingers!

Go make some smoothies!


7 thoughts on “Quick Tip: How to Peel Frozen Bananas

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